Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mosque Controversy Near Ground Zero- What about the First Amendment?

Religious equality is something that the founding fathers of our country thought very important. So important that they put it in the first section of the constitution. In fact, the first amendment is critical to people who practice any faith in the U.S. including the Muslim faith.

A Mosque is set to be built near Ground Zero. A place considered Hallowed Ground where thousands of people were injured or killed when terrorist flew into the World Trade Center on Sept 11, 2001. Now, the American people are claiming that a mosque should not be built near Ground Zero. However, the mosque is actually 2 blocks away from Ground Zero. And in those two blocks you will pass a church, a temple and a synagogue.

Amid the outcry, the author of this blog gives her opinion on the Religious Realities of the Mosque near (not AT) Ground Zero.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Religious Politics and a bit of Disrespect to Neo-Pagans

I came across an article today about Florida's State House campaigners. Normally, I'm not to interested in politics or politicians. However, the article by the self-proclaimed "Christian Humanist" Eric Guinta drew me in because of his first ever public political endorsement of a candidate because of their religious views. The candidate he is opposing is a Christian woman who had associations with the Red Hills Pagan Council that held a Sacred Geometry Event and with St. John Episcopal Church which the author refers to as "The Leon County Democratic Party at Prayer".

Here is an excerpt of Guinta's article...

"As a Christian humanist, I certainly do not disparage ancient and venerable non-Christian belief systems, but neo-paganism is deserving of no such respect (though their adherents certainly are, as human beings). Neo-paganism is a 19th-to-21st century revisionist construct that has nothing to do with historic "paganism" much less with the noblest exponents of pre-Christian mythology and philosophy. It's a hodge-podge of mindless superstition, anti-Christianity, and moral "non-judgmentalism" (i.e., moral indignation at the traditional moral teachings of Judeo-Christianity)."

Read Guinta's article in its entirety here.

Pentagram and Human by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Burning Religious Books is Not a Dead Practice

In fact, the practice of burning religious books is still alive and well in church organizations through out the U.S. One church organization, The Dove World Outreach Center, has planned an "International Burn a Qur'an Day" protest in Gainesville, FL on September 11th. The day that most of us through out the U.S. mourn the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children who were lost to us when the World Trade Center was attacked. The protest is the churches effort to covert Muslims and warn them that their faith is wrong.

Read more about the book burning protest here.

Even the Most Revered Make Ignorant Remarks

From Pat Robertson to Pope Benedict XVI, leaders of religious crusades who have thousands of followers have made the mistake of saying something so aghast that even their followers take a step back and say... "Say What?"

Check out just a few Ignorant Quotes by Religious Leaders.

Scientology Books Banned in Russia as Extremism

Scientology- a religious organization founded by L. Ron Hubbard

Russia has banned all the works of L. Ron Hubbard and other literature regarding Scientology on the basis that it is extremism. The determination came after a group of psychologists, psychiatrists and sociologists found that these books are "undermining the traditional spiritual values of the citizens of the Russian Federation."

Read More About Russia's Scientology Book Ban

Students Defeat Westboro Baptist Church's Hate Filled Message with Love and Peace

In April of 2010, students across the United States came together to counter-protest the hate filled messages of the Westboro Baptist Church with love and peace. Students sang religious songs like "this little light of mine", classics like "lean on me" and one group of counter-protesters sang multiple songs by the Beatles. Students carried signs of love, tolerance and acceptance.

Read more about the Peaceful Protest by Students